Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Art: Medieval Art:
Representations: Art: [Site] E u r o p e a n A r t [Info] Gajewski, Alexandra. »Attack on the Castle of Love: Flower Power or "Traffic in Women"? An Allegorical Representation in Ivory Analysed from the Perspective of War and Gender.« Gewalt, Krieg und Geschlecht im Mittelalter. Edited by Amalie Fößel. Berlin 2020: 381-414. [Info] Wolfthal, Diane. Images of Rape: The "Heroic" Tradition and its Alternatives. Cambridge 1999. [Site] English Art [Info] Joyce, Hetty E. »Picturing Rape and Revenge in Ovids Myth of Philomela.« Receptions of Antiquity, Constructions of Gender in European Art, 1300-1600. Edited by Marice Rose et al. Leiden 2015: 305-349. [Site] French Art [Info] Joyce, Hetty E. »Picturing Rape and Revenge in Ovids Myth of Philomela.« Receptions of Antiquity, Constructions of Gender in European Art, 1300-1600. Edited by Marice Rose et al. Leiden 2015: 305-349. [Info] Wolfthal, Diane. »“Douleur sur toutes autres”: Revisualizing the Rape Script in the Epistre Othea and the Cité des dames.« Christine de Pizan and the Categories of Difference. Edited by Marilynn Desmond. Minneapolis 1998: 41-70. [Site] Italian Art [Info] Lawless, Catherine A. »“In my soul I have breasts untouched and unharmed”: Sexual Violence, The Female Martyr, and Representation.« Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. San Diego 2013. |